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kiters never make mistakes - right?

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don't flame me


PostThu Jul 14, 05 8:32 am    kiters never make mistakes - right? Reply with quote

Really nice wind and swell at the Hatch yesterday. Lots of sailors out tearing it up, bunch of photographers and video cameras out on the point. Tourists, small kids and other non-sailors as well. One guy out pretty early on a foil mostly staying out of the busiest sailing areas. Still had us wondering what was wrong with the other acres of river with plenty of wind and no windsurfers. Then some guy comes out onto the point with his bar and lines and Mark aka Dangler holding his little Naish 5.0 inflatable. The guy jumps into the water and swims out unravelling his lines into the zone where the sailors gybe and throw freestyle tricks for the gallery (this guaranteed to make kiters popular). Mark is holding the kite about 4' downwind of maybe six seated spectators, photogs etc. Happily the launch goes off okay, Mark tosses the guy his board and he body drags away from the launch. This looked so sketchy with no outs, what if the lines had twisted, if the kite luffed a little and went upwind even 5' it would have smacked a few people, if it had needed to be dropped it would falled right into the wind shadow where sailors where coming out or on top of people sailing - looked great -ve PR for kiters. Real interesting would have been someone sailing over the lines, hooking them and launching the kite. Guy then kited around the hatch for an hour or so - i just couldn't see the point - he seemed to be skilled though not a pro. Seemed like he was having to do a lot of transitions because of windsurfers, wasn't jumping much (just as well with all the sailors constantly downwind of him). Later on watched a few kites out by the White Salmon tearing up some swells in lots of room and then a lot more down at the sandbar - both groups looked to be having more fun. I've sailed around kites in strong winds at Florence hooting at each others rides, jumps and tricks - having a great time in plenty of room but the sheer density of sailors in such a small area at the hatch plus the sketchy launch just seems silly. Sure no rules say you can't kite like this same as no rules say i can't sail through crowds of swimmers or surfers but hey we're all watermen right, who just happen to be kiting, surfing, windsurfing, kayaking whatever right now and need to think with more than one hat on. And second don't forget plan B 'cos even you - as long as i can see water and feel wind i can launch - are going to blow one sooner or later.
And before you ask the reason I didn't express my concern with the launch is because I was on the water hanging on to my 4.2 and wishing i had a 3.7 - by the time i could have sailed to the take out, stowed my board and gone round to where Mark was holding the kite they had the kite in the air.


Since 03 Jul 2005
581 Posts

PostThu Jul 14, 05 8:45 am    Hatchery Reply with quote

There is an unwritten rule among Hatchery kiters that when windsurfers take over(wind consitently above 20-25 knots) kiters clear out. With tons of windsurfers out it is most definitely dangerous for both windsurfers and kiters. We tell inexperienced kiters to go elsewhere as the launch is hard on gear and dangerous. Only one accident needs to occur there and kiting is officially banned. Whoever posted this is right on the money, STAY AWAY FROM WINDSURFING AREAS when it is crowded. Scriffler will be tied to the car enforcing every day fo the rest of the summer. Twisted Evil

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Since 30 Jun 2005
319 Posts

Taxi Driver

PostThu Jul 14, 05 9:14 am    Common Sense Challenged Individuals Reply with quote

I appreciate the time given to describe in-detail what happened yesterday at the Hatchery. It's unfortunate that we have a few common-sense-challenged people/kiters among us. As stated in Cool Hand Luke:
What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.

Let's try to reach those kiters who don't seem to get-it. And I don't mean roughing them up. How 'bout we explain to them our concern for jeopardising launch access. That's something even they may understand.

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Since 15 Mar 2005
760 Posts
Hood River

PostThu Jul 14, 05 9:50 am    Use your head... Reply with quote

Hmmm, good points by all. As a long time Gorge Sailor and now kiter, I fully agree that the Hatchery Point should be absolutely left to the windsurfers when the wind kicks in. That little patch of water probably has the highest sailor concentration when the conditions go off, and there is no reason to be throwing a kite out at that point. Go launch at the Sandbar and ride up to the good stuff... Probably will find perfect surfy stuff long before you reach the Hatchery Point.

The initial poster is right on when he comments on the better kiting actually being downwind towards Wells and in front of the actual Spring Creek Hatchery. Personally I would feel awkward about kiting around so many sailors since when your really cranking on swell with a kite you are ripping downwind and often looping your kite within 5-10 feet of the water surface for the maximum fun/rippage factor. There is also lots of space upwind between Cheap and the Hatchery for a kiter...

I know of two or three guys who insist on always kiting at the Hatch, but why would you not want to be downwind? Guess the fact that Eddy Patricelli of Windsurfing, a lot of kickass sailors, and the Photog Crews are in town might have attracted this guy? Either way, one mess up and things could get ugly. I don't intend to be the guy to f'up, and I hope those high wind Hatchery kiters rethink and consider the consequences of what could happen.

Thanks for listening to my point of view... Bam

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